Fossils & Artifacts for Sale | Paleo Enterprises

Lafayette type Artifact – FL


Lafayette type artifact, 1-3/4″long. Previous collection of Randy King – Perry FL

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Lafayette artifact 5000 to 3000 bp. From Randy King collection – Perry FL

This is a broad medium to large (1.5 to 4 inches) triangular corner notch point with a elliptical cross section towards the tip becoming more flattened towards the base. The blade is excurvate with many examples curving in at the tip and curving back in or rounded at the shoulders. The blade is never beveled or serrated. U-shaped notches enter the blade diagonally from the corners of the preform forming strongly barbed shoulders with the barb terminations varying from pointed to rounded. Re-sharpened examples may have reduced shoulders. The stem is primarily expanding but may vary to slightly expanding. The base ranges from slightly convex to straight. Basal thinning is commonly seen, but basal / hafting grinding is never present. This point has a random flaking pattern.

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